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Introducing Zero-Point Method (ꙨMethod) 

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A truly new paradigm of healing

Method uses familiar holistic tools in new ways to bring 

faster, easier, & lasting restoration of all levels of function. 

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ꙨMethod is

3 Levels of Healing in 1

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Addresses the musculoskeletal system;  pain, performance, and injury recovery & prevention. 



Addresses emotional pain, fear, confusion, overwhelm, self-esteem, self-sabotage etc., whether the source is  known or


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issues of organs and tissues &

internal function


Stuff happens.

We cope,


adapt and


Adaptation is the brain's capacity to change the way our body and mind function in order to meet changes in the physical, social and biochemical environment.  Adaptation is crucial to survival.

​The problem is, adaptations tend to be learned, retained past the point at which they are no longer needed. They become impediments to good function, maladaptive.

ꙨMethod is a healing method that centrally focuses on eliminating maladaptation that effects the mind, muscles, metabolic and immune function. 

ꙨMethod addresses the entire soul -- body, mind, and spirit.

ꙨMethod is three seemingly different therapies in one. It applies familiar holistic tools like chiropractic, acupuncture, and other natural, drug-free approaches in surprising new ways.

The Ꙩ (zero-point) is the moment of reboot, when the old maladaptive pattern has been deleted. The aspect of ourselves that was targeted by the treatment has been "returned to original factory settings."

ꙨMethod "reboots" your mind, body & spirit

How does ꙨMethod work?

Your brain is an information processing device.

The expression of your mind and body 

mostly depends on the information it holds.


Erase the misinformation, and things can 

immediately work again, as they were "designed" to.

Using your body as a guide I take you on a safari through your soul, a journey back through your past, discovering, disassembling, and dissolving the misinformation that has come to run your mind and body.  

We want to love and be loved, know our gifts, and feel confident to bring them to the world. Our bodies contain eons of evolutionary knowledge and the power to thrive. Our hearts long for wholeness - to discover, experience, and express who we are. Our mind has the capacity to know that wholeness and to participate in applying it in life.

When something other than that wholeness takes over we call it disease or dis-ease. We experience it as physical or emotional pain or other kinds of unwellness.


The effects of both small, incremental stresses and large, immediately impactful traumas on our systems can last a lifetime.

We — our brain that is, react to stress by developing defensive adaptations. These adaptations act like malware on a computer; they alter the function of our body and mind. Most traumas are long gone and unlikely to occur again, so we end up locked into useless, repetitive cycles of trying to avoid a past we often don't consciously remember. We can't escape or control this miasma of pathological activity. The only way out is to erase it, to actually remove it from the brain. 

The results in our mind and body include: 

  • Dysfunctional muscles. Muscles that are trying to do their job during injuries or other stresses become distrusted by the brain. Other muscles must take over for them. This causes muscle and joint imbalance, leading to pain, poor performance, greater susceptibility to injury, and arthritis 

  • Spiritual “holes”. Our spiritual nature is always present. It offers a deep sense of inner support, strength, peace, power, confidence, value, and love to name a few. Disconnection from those qualities can leave us feeling worthless, weak, fearful, unsupported, anxious, and so on. 

  • Physiological imbalances. Our metabolic functions are ready to kick into stress responses or continually operating from stress. This is known to contribute to or aggravate just about any condition that exists. These physiological states are central to what makes emotions like grief, fear, shame, depression, anxiety, deficiency, emptiness, and so on so painful. 


Most methods, orthodox or alternative, focus on correcting imbalances that they find. But when those imbalances are caused by repetitive adaptations, even the best holistic attempts to "balance" the body are just addressing symptoms.  


Far more of our imbalances and symptoms than we realize result are the result of adaptations. We understand this in PTSD, for instance. A person can have all kinds of physical and psychological symptoms because their system continues to react to something that was over and done with long ago. We need to update, removing old programs, and then reboot our function.

ꙨMethod systematically eliminates these long-term reaction patterns that affect errant muscles, thoughts, emotions, and physiological functions of the body. Instead of trying to help the body to adapt to adaptations, it literally erases adaptations causing immediate and lasting changes in function when it is successful.

Erasing muscle dysfunction to elim-inate pain, maximize performance


Effortless Rehab

your fastest recovery ever

Method is easiest to understand as it applies to working with muscles after an injury.

As the result of an injury, the muscles or movements which were involved in the injury become distrusted by the brain, which stops using those muscles to plan and undertake future movements. This "avoidance learning" -- information stored in the brain -- results in joints operating with only some of their muscles engaging. 

Science has recently demonstrated that memories are erasable. Method takes advantage of that fact. It systematically targets and erases the information that caused the muscles to stop working. This

"reboots" the muscles, often ending the pain as well.

Applications of this therapy immediately after injuries suggest that the pain we feel after an injury may be caused by the brain warning us away from using those muscles.

With awareness of their secret, seemingly “miraculous” healings can now be known as applications of the science and art of “unlearning”.

Trauma memory is like malware or a computer virus, infecting the brain with disruptive information. ꙨMethod is the anti-malware app. Applied to muscles, ꙨMethod is known as Effortless Rehab.

Treatment of any musculoskeletal condition begins with rebooting the muscles in the area of complaint.  Otherwise, it's like trying to tune up a car with a missing spark plug; it will never run properly.

Discovering the "freedom to be" by eliminating outdated ideas of self



Trauma to Tranquility

Method gets more complex in its treatment of emotional suffering, but the same basic concept applies: erasing the memories (the outdated information) that is often its cause.

Most emotional suffering comes from our ego, the indescribable sense of who and what we are that determines most of what we think, feel and do. The ego is built around old learning, much of it from early childhood, before we could even think in words.

Painful feelings like shame, anger helplessness, hopelessness anxiety, and so on, all expressions of your ego's inherent limitations, are experienced as activations of the body. Method precisely neutralizes that activity.

Without the body's feedback, the outdated unconscious thoughts and beliefs of the ego simply cease. They are, in effect, gently erased. The experience of yourself is "rebooted" without those feelings and negative thoughts that accompany them. A part of your ego has been unlearned.

What arises its place is an experience of what is true in you;  inherent biological and spiritual qualities like peace, strength, solidity, confidence, grounding, autonomy, compassion love which had been buried under the obsolete expressions of ego. 

Most therapies treat the memories and activities that sustain the ego as a story that must be "understood". 

Inquiry, as this method Is known, treats them as outdated information, just old files on a computer that can be deleted. It's an anti-malware app for the mind. Understanding may still come, but it is not the transformative factor.  

Because the memories are actually erased, these qualities may become more available on an ongoing basis. The changes are immediate, deep, and permanent. 

Holistically heals your body, organs

& unexplained issues. 


Q4D Healing

True holistic healing

The information processing that runs internal processes of organs and the endocrine system is not as easily targeted as muscles and emotions.

The immune and biochemical systems of the body are in continual flux, interacting with the microbiome, the billions of non-human cells that populate our bodies. All this activity exists to serve the larger needs of us as an organism trying to survive in the world. In total, these interactions are too complex to imagine.

Method is, at each step, responding to the needs of the body. When used to navigate these impenetrable systems, it is known as Quantum 4 Dimensional (Q4D) Healing.  Q4D brings together four dimensions of healing in one highly flexible system:

1) The structural aspects of function. When muscles and bones are not moving properly, inaccurate signals are sent to the brain causing non-attuned responses, the flow of blood and lymph may be adversely affected along with tension and pain in the body.​

2) The energetic flows of the body are subservient to attempts of the body to maintain balance.​

3) The biochemical, which may be addressed with high quality herbal and nutritional supplements.

4) Unlearning of outdated information, which may ultimately be the factor that keeps us stuck in repetitive, unyielding patterns.

Effortless Rehab, ꙨInquiry and Q4D Healing all use the same Method healing technology, deconstructing the obsolete repetitive patterns of mind and body that cause pain, 

suffering and ill health. It is how that technology is targeted that makes the difference. 

ꙨMethod is 21st-century healing, a product of the information age.

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